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Welcome to Author Allies.Ā A community built on the partnership ofĀ publishing experts and aspiring authors.

Author AlliesĀ is the lifeline for non-fiction and fiction authors seeking accountability and support within a flexible timeframe, without the pressure of our 1-on-1 programs.Ā 

Weekly Writing Workshops

Stay on track with your writing goals and stay motivated with our focused workshops.

Ask the Experts

Get direct access to industry professionals for invaluable insights and answers to your burning questions.

Beta Reader Switch

Connect with fellow members to exchange feedback and polish your manuscript pre-publication.

Skill Development

Elevate your craft with our curated modules, complete with exercises and worksheets.

Access to 1 on 1 Coaching

ReceiveĀ personalized mentorship from experienced professionals to overcome obstacles and unlock your full potential.

Exclusive Discounts

Enjoy special discounts on future services to streamline your publishing journey.

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Your book is waiting for you. Join our community and make your writing a priority.

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Announcing AutHER 2024! TheĀ must attend event for women who are looking to add a book to their business.

Complete a short survey and get $10 off your ticket