How Writing a Book Can Take Your Coaching Business to the Next Level

becoming an author Jul 10, 2023

As entrepreneurs and coaches, we get the importance of having an online presence and reaching out to potential clients through social media. But if you’re anything like me, that just isn’t cutting it anymore. You want something that stands above all that noise and really sets you apart. You want to make your mark on this world in a way that doesn’t disappear overnight. Something that increases your visibility and boosts your business. For me, the answer was so obvious! I needed to create something that would last a lifetime. I needed to write a book. I needed the power of an invaluable tool that would take my coaching business to the next level. Here’s how writing a book can help you attract more clients, charge more for your services, book more speaking engagements, and connect with more people.

Attracting New Clients

Writing a book is one of the best ways to establish yourself as an expert in your field. By writing a book, you demonstrate that you have authority on the topic and that you have something valuable to offer potential customers. It also helps build trust because it shows that you are committed enough to put in the time and effort necessary to produce a quality product. Additionally, publishing your book on well-known platforms like Amazon makes it easier for potential customers to find you and your offers. Talk about SEO power!

Charging More for Your Services

Having a published book gives you leverage when it comes time to negotiate payment from customers. Knowing that they are being taught by someone with published work in their field will make them more likely to pay higher fees than they would otherwise be willing to pay. Furthermore, once they see the value of working with you, they may even request additional services at higher prices than those listed on your website or marketing materials. 

Booking More Speaking Engagements

Writing a book not only puts you in front of potential customers but also increases opportunities for public speaking engagements. Many organizations are looking for speakers who have written books on relevant topics because they know that these speakers will bring insight and knowledge into their events – plus it adds credibility too! It becomes much easier for speakers who have written books on pertinent subjects because event organizers know that these speakers are experts in the field. 

Connecting With More People

A book is also a great tool for connecting with other professionals in similar fields or people who share similar interests as yours. You can use your book as an introduction piece during networking events or online forums (e.g., LinkedIn Groups). By introducing yourself as the author of such-and-such title, it quickly brings attention to yourself while also demonstrating that you have taken the extra step of creating something tangible – which is highly commendable! Plus, if someone reads your work and finds it interesting or helpful, then chances are they’ll reach out wanting further assistance from you in some capacity – either directly or indirectly (e.g., inviting you as a speaker). 

 For me, writing a book was one of the most effective ways for me as a coach to take my business to the next level. I unlocked this superpower of extreme marketing that helped me gain greater visibility among prospective clients and colleagues alike while simultaneously allowing me to charge more for my service. My single business boosting book lead up to receiving invitations from renowned organizations interested in having me speak at their events! For me, writing a book wasn’t just something I wanted to do, it was something that I needed to do for my business. If you’re ready to step up and own your authority and credibility, then you need to consider a book as your ideal answer.

Considering writing a book but aren't sure you have the time or energy? Let us help you work through some of your worries so that your goal of writing a book doesn't sit on the back burner. We don't want to let fear be the reason we haven't achieved something.

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Partnering with our experienced team means gaining access to years of publishing expertise, committing to yourself and your book and achieving your goals of becoming a published author.

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